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Orientreise 1898

Call Number





The Wayfarer's Bookshop (Role: Bookseller)


110 Photographic Prints
Folio (37x28 cm). 24 leaves. With 110 gelatin silver photographs numbered mounted (recto & verso) in twenty-four leaves. Photos mostly ca. 10x15 cm (4x6 in) with twenty-four smaller images. [With] two manuscript lists describing the photos. Original red gilt lined half morocco album with red cloth boards with stamped gilt title on front cover. Mounts a little waved, extremities very mildly rubbed, but overall a very good album of strong photographs.

Language of Materials

German .


An album of photographs that document a voyage made in 1898. The majority of the photos show Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. The photographs show coastal and port scenes, city and street views, historical sights, images of the travellers and onboard life. Of note is an accompanying handwritten content list and note book (in German).

Biographical / Historical

The creator/s of the album are unknown. They/their fellow travellers are pictured in refs AD_MC_062_ref16, ref22, ref23, ref26, ref41, ref46-ref48, ref50 and ref52.


This collection has not been arranged by an archivist. The materials are arranged in the order in which they were received from the donor.

Content Description

Album containing 110 gelatin silver photographs which document a voyage made in February and March 1898, which took the photographer from Genoa to Monaco, Tunis, Alexandria, Cairo (and environs), Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Beirut, Damascus and then the return voyage via Constantinople, Athens, Crete, Palermo, Naples and finally the Genoa suburb of La Mortola. The photographs show coastal and port scenes, city and street views, historical sights, images of the travellers and onboard life. The majority of the photos show Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.

Photos mostly ca. 10x15 cm (4x6 in) with twenty-four smaller images. Accompanying handwritten content list and note book in German.

Conditions Governing Access

Repository permission is required for access. Please contact Akkasah Photography Archive, +971 2628 5531

Conditions Governing Use

Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by the previous owner were transferred to Akkasah Photography Archive on 14th August 2018. Permission to publish or reproduce materials in this collection must be secured from repository. Please contact Akkasah Photography Archive, +971 2628 5531

Preferred Citation

ADMC062 Akkasah: Photography Archive, New York University Abu Dhabi. For more information visit

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Purchased from The Wayfarer's Bookshop in January 2017, associated accession identifier 2017_023.

Collection processed by

Jasmine Soliman, Jonathan Burr and Emily Broad for Akkasah: Photography Archive at NYUAD

About this Guide

This finding aid was produced using ArchivesSpace on 2023-08-21 19:07:20 +0400.
Language: Description is written in: English, Latin script.

Processing Information

Materials were placed in a new acid-free box. They have been digitized and cataloged at the item (page) level.


Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)


box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: Graphic Materials)

View Inventory

The front cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The inside front cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of the Port of Genoa and the surrounding city., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Rock of Monaco. Bottom: French warships sailing near a French port., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: men, women, and children outside the bazaar in Tunis. Bottom: A view of men, women, and children at a marketplace in Bab Souika, Tunis., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man next to two camels. Bottom: a view of the Parc du Belvédère in Tunis, with a mountain in the background., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of ships arriving to a port in Alexandria, with the guide book in the foreground. Bottom: a group of banana boats on the Nile River in El Mahmoudia, Alexandria., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: an empty field next to a river with mountains in the background in Cairo. Bottom: boats docked in a canal on the Nile River., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: people in the streets beside the Mausoleum of Mamluk Amir Janibak al-Ashrafi (foreground) and Funerary Khanqah of Mamluk Sultan Faraj ibn Barquq (background). Bottom: A shop with a printing press, near Bab Zuweila., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a farm with buildings on the horizon in Boulaq, Cairo. Bottom: a caravan., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a caravan on the Avenue of the Pyramids in Giza. Bottom: a canal and and fig trees., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: buildings on the bank of Roda Island, Cairo. Bottom: a farm in Heliopolis with donkeys and machinery., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: A group portrait of several men and a woman in front of the Cheops Pyramid and the Sphinx. Bottom: the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of people climbing the Great Pyramids. Bottom: the town of Bedrachein on the Nile River., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a palm tree forest in Memphis. Bottom: a group of men traveling to the Pyramid of Djoser., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a crowd of people and donkeys in Saqqara. Bottom: a street scene beside Jaffa Gate including a photography studio and barbers., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group portrait of two men and a woman posed outside a tent in Jericho. Bottom: a man posed by the cost of the Dead Sea., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: A group portrait of men and women on the coast of the Dead Sea. Bottom: a view of the River Jordan with a woman in the foreground., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of tents on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho. Bottom: a view of Beirut., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a boat sailing near the coast of Beirut. Bottom: a road in Mount Sannine near terraced farms., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a group of people congregated at the base of a terraced mountain town, Muallaqa (Zahle), on the way from Beirut to Damascus. Bottom: a train track in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man riding a camel in Muallaqa (Zahle). Bottom: a group of men gathered outside a building., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a man in the courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque. Bottom: an aerial view of Damascus., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: an aerial view of the Umayyad Mosque. Bottom: a fountain in the courtyard of a Christian house., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a bridge on the Barada River with the Tekkiye Mosque and Mount Hermon in the background. Bottom: a rooftop view of a city and a two-story arched dome., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a vignetted street scene featuring a mosque. Bottom: the Bosporus Sea with Uskudar, Istanbul in the background., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: ships sailing off the coast of Istanbul. Bottom: a view of the Rumelihisarı., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Rumelihisarı and adjacent buildings. Bottom: a ship sailing off the coast of Istanbul and the Dolmabahçe Palace (linked ref32)., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Istanbul's coast including the Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace taken from the Bosphorus. Bottom: a cargo ship from Hamburg docked at a harbor in Piran., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a ship sailing out of a port. Bottom: a ship "Auguste-Victoria" sailing adjacent to smaller rowboats., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Acropolis. Bottom: ruins of an ancient temple at the Acropolis., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: view of Athens taken from the Acropolis. Bottom: a view of the Erechtheion., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of a Chania, Crete with mountains in the background. Bottom: the Port of Chania, Crete., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a boat docked at the Port of Chania, Crete. Bottom: passengers on the deck of the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of ships. Top: a ship in the south bay of Sardinia. Bottom: ships in a port in the moonlight., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Turkish forts. Bottom: a woman on a the deck of the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of three boats off the coast of Palermo near Mount Pellegrino. Bottom: a body of water with ships and a city in the distance, taken from the "Auguste-Victoria" ship., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Two views of the Villa Hanbury in La Mortola, Genoa., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of the Villa Hanbury in La Mortola. Bottom: a fountain in La Mortola (linked ref43)., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: foliage by a road. Bottom: a view of the mountainous coast in La Mortola., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: a group portrait of several men at the Palace of the Bey (Dar el Bey), Tunis; the courtyard at the Palace of the Bey (Dar el Bey), Tunis; a group of men at the foot of the Sphinx; a view of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: men on the road in Saqqara, a group of men riding donkeys in Memphis, the village of Bedrechem, and a village in Saqqara., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: the facade of the Ayyubid Omar Mosque, Jerusalem; a caravan's arrival in Bethlehem; the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus; and a Bedouin hotel in Jericho., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: two views of a lunch spot on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho, the Acropolis, and ruins in Baalbek., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

From the top right counter-clockwise: a view of the Rumelihisarı; the Port of Chania, Crete; a view of the Villa Durazzo-Pallavicini in Genoa; and a view of the deck on the Auguste in Victoria., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a ship sailing. Bottom: a group portrait of two men and two women taken on a the "Auguste-Victoria.", 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Top: a view of Mount Lycabettus, Athens. Bottom: a vingetted view of buildings and a mosque taken from the street., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

A blank page in the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The inside back cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

The back cover of the album 'Orientreise, 1898'., 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 1 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 2 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Inhaltsverzeichnis (table of contents), accompanying the album 'Orientreise, 1898', page 3 of 3, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 1 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 2 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 3 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 4 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 5 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 6 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 7 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 8 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 9 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 10 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 11 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 12 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 13 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 14 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 15 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 16 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 17 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints

Momentaufnahmen auf der Orientreise (snapshots on the Orient trip). Accompanying booklet to the album 'Orientreise, 1898', listing locations photographed, page 18 of 18, 1898

box: AD_MC_062 (Material Type: graphic materials)


1 Photographic Prints
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188