Orientreise 1898
Call Number
Language of Materials
An album of photographs that document a voyage made in 1898. The majority of the photos show Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. The photographs show coastal and port scenes, city and street views, historical sights, images of the travellers and onboard life. Of note is an accompanying handwritten content list and note book (in German).
Biographical / Historical
The creator/s of the album are unknown. They/their fellow travellers are pictured in refs AD_MC_062_ref16, ref22, ref23, ref26, ref41, ref46-ref48, ref50 and ref52.
This collection has not been arranged by an archivist. The materials are arranged in the order in which they were received from the donor.
Content Description
Album containing 110 gelatin silver photographs which document a voyage made in February and March 1898, which took the photographer from Genoa to Monaco, Tunis, Alexandria, Cairo (and environs), Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Beirut, Damascus and then the return voyage via Constantinople, Athens, Crete, Palermo, Naples and finally the Genoa suburb of La Mortola. The photographs show coastal and port scenes, city and street views, historical sights, images of the travellers and onboard life. The majority of the photos show Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.
Photos mostly ca. 10x15 cm (4x6 in) with twenty-four smaller images. Accompanying handwritten content list and note book in German.
Conditions Governing Access
Repository permission is required for access. Please contact Akkasah Photography Archive, akkasah@nyu.edu +971 2628 5531
Conditions Governing Use
Any rights (including copyright and related rights to publicity and privacy) held by the previous owner were transferred to Akkasah Photography Archive on 14th August 2018. Permission to publish or reproduce materials in this collection must be secured from repository. Please contact Akkasah Photography Archive, akkasah@nyu.edu +971 2628 5531
Preferred Citation
ADMC062 Akkasah: Photography Archive, New York University Abu Dhabi. For more information visit https://akkasah.org/en/page/frontpage/faq
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Purchased from The Wayfarer's Bookshop in January 2017, associated accession identifier 2017_023.
About this Guide
Processing Information
Materials were placed in a new acid-free box. They have been digitized and cataloged at the item (page) level.