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Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Hisham Khatib Collection - Prints
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Guide to the Hisham Khatib Collection of photographic prints
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(600 items)
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281 - Chaire de Cadi Borhan-ed-Din - The Pulpit of Cadi Borhan-ed-Din and 282 - Mosquee El Aksa - Al Aksa Mosque. 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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863 - Jerusalem, Details interieurs de la mosquee El Aksa - Interior of Al-Aksa mosque and 276 - Porte Doree interieur, Jerusalem (The Golden Gate). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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245 - Mur des Juifs un vendredi (The Jews' wailing place, a Friday) and 867 - Arche de Robinson, Jerusalem (Robinson's Arch). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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287 - Porte de Damas (The Damascus Gate) and 883 Grotte de Jeremie et couvent Saint-Etienne a Jerusalem (Cave of Jeremiah and St. Stephen's Convent in Jerusalem, El Heidemiyeh). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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321 - Tombeau des Rois cour interieurs, Jerusalem (Tomb of Helena of Adiabene, known as Tomb of the Kings) and 292 Mont des Oliviers, Jerusalem (Mount of Olives). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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295 - Coupole de l'assencion (Chapel of the Ascension) and 879 Mer morte prise du mont des Oliviers (The Dead Sea taken from the Mount of Olives). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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305 - Olivier du Jardin de Gethsemanee, Jerusalem (Traditional Garden of Gethsemane) and 290 - Valee de Josaphat (Valley of Josaphat). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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310 - Valee de Josaphat (Valley of Josaphat, Kidron Valley, Tomb of Absolom, Tomb of Zacharias) and 329 - Vallee du Tiropeon (Tyropoeon Valley). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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315 - Vue generale de Siloe (Siloam) and 316 - Piscine de Siloe (Pool of Siloam). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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317 - Champ du sang au valée de Hinnom (The Field of Blood in the Valley of Hinnom) and 846 - Forteresse pres de la porte de Jaffa, Jerusalem (fortifications of Jerusalem, just south of the Jaffa Gate). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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888 - Route de Bethlehem prise de la porte de Jaffa, Jerusalem (Road to Bethlehem and Hebron from the Jaffa Gate) and 1041 - Mont Sion et Mont des Oliviers de la route de Bethlehem (The north end of Mount Zion from the Bethlehem road). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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339 - Chene d'Abraham, Palestine ("Abraham's Oak" Oak of Mamre) and 338 - Vue generale d'Hebron (Hebron). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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Enclosure wall of the Great Mosque, Hebron and View of the Mausoleum and Mosque of Abraham from the east. 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1890
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337 - Vue generale vasques de Salomon (general view of Solomon's Pools) and 330 bis - Vue generale de Bethlehem (general view of Bethlehem). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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334 - Eglise de la Nativite, interieur (interior of the Church of the Nativity) and 893 Bethlehem grotte de la nativite, la creche (Grotto of the Nativity, the crib). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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623 - Femmes de Bethlehem allant a l'eau (Women of Bethlehem collecting water) and 895 - Champ de Boaz, aux environs de Bethlehem (Field of Boaz, near Bethlehem). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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899 - Couvent de Mar-Saba vue generale, les deux tours (Monastery of Mar Saba) and 341 - La Mer Morte, Palestine (The Dead Sea, north shore). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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917 - Courbe et cours du Jourdain (Curve and course of the River Jordan) and 915 - Halte des voyageurs sur le bords du Jourdain (Resting place of travelers on the shores of the Jordan). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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344 - Montagne de la quarantaine, Palestine (Mount of Temptation) and 1045 - Wadi-al-Kelt, couvent St Elie, pres de Jericho (Wadi Qelt and the Monastery of St. George of Choziba). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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346 - Vue generale de Bethanie (general view of Bethany) and 419 - Paysan de plaines de la Judée labourant son champs (Peasant of the plains of Judea plowing his fields). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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347 - Bethel (Beitin) and 923 - Ruines de Seilun (Scilo) (Ruins of Shiloh). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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924 - Palestine, ancienne mosquee a Scilo (Seiloun) (ancient mosque in Shiloh) and 350 - Puits de la Samaritaine (Jacob's Well, near Shechem). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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925 - Tombeau du patriarch Joseph pres Nablouse (Joseph's tomb near Shechem) and 28? Ruines des eglises Ste. Marie sur le Mt. Garizim (Ruins on Mount Garizim). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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354 - Vallee du Naplouse - Palestine (Nablus (Neapolis) or Shechen) and 931 Eglise Saint Jean a Sebaste Samarie (St. John's Church Samaria). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188