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Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Hisham Khatib Collection - Prints
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364 - Capharnaum vue generale (Ruins of Capernaum) and 1059 - Tell-el-Kadi emplacement de l'antique Dan (Tel-el-Qadi, site of ancient Dan). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
Guide to the Hisham Khatib Collection of photographic prints
Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus - Bonfils
364 - Capharnaum vue generale (Ruins of Capernaum) and 1059 - Tell-el-Kadi emplacement de l'antique Dan (Tel-el-Qadi, site of ancient Dan). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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363 - Palestine, vue generale de Tiberiade prise de la forteresse (general view of Tiberias taken from the fortress) and 748 - Barque de pecheurs sur le lac de Tiberiade (Fishing boat on Lake Tiberias). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
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376 - Source du Jourdain a Banias (Banias (Caesarea Philippi) and 375 - Grotte de Banias (Cave at Banias - one of the sources of the Jordan River). 52.8 x 36.2 cm: Circa 1867-1880
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188