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Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Ozge Calafato Collection
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Ghardaia - Vue d'ensemble - A group of camels, mostly seated in front of a small hill-top town. Ghardaïa is the capital city of Ghardaïa Province, Algeria. 9.2 x 13.9 cm: Undated
Guide to the Özge Calafato Turkish Photography Collection
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Ghardaia - Vue d'ensemble - A group of camels, mostly seated in front of a small hill-top town. Ghardaïa is the capital city of Ghardaïa Province, Algeria. 9.2 x 13.9 cm: Undated
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35. - Scénes et Types - Fillettes Kabyles - Two barefoot females standing in front of some crude houses. 13.8 x 8.9 cm: Undated
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826 Mauresque - A Moorish female covered in a white cloak with a dark dress underneath standing next to a body of water. 14.0 x 9.2 cm: Undated
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188