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Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Ozge Calafato Collection
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No 12 - Algérie - Mauresque à la fountaine - A Moorish woman filling up a small pot with water from a fountain. French writing on the back with a postage stamp. 14.7 x 9.7 cm: 25 June 1904
Guide to the Özge Calafato Turkish Photography Collection
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Image set: 2 images
No 12 - Algérie - Mauresque à la fountaine - A Moorish woman filling up a small pot with water from a fountain. French writing on the back with a postage stamp. 14.7 x 9.7 cm: 25 June 1904
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Jeunes Arabes - Two small children in traditional dress drinking out of an ornate water jug. 13.7 x 8.7 cm: Undated
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402 T - Jeune Mauresque - Postcard of a young Moorish female in traditional dress standing in front of a wall. French writing on the front and back.13.9 x 9.0 cm: 18 May 1915
Akkasah: Photography Archive (NYU Abu Dhabi)
New York University Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi P.O. Box 129188