A woman feeding a young child a banana. (link ref4068, ref4073, ref4074, ref4076, ref4077) 12.1 x 9.1 cm: Undated
Permalink: https://hdl.handle.net/2333.1/2fqz66xs
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Two women sitting next to a young child in ethnic dress in an open field. (link ref4002, ref4068, ref4073, ref4075, ref4076, ref4077) 12 x 8.7 cm: UndatedNext »
A multi-generational group of women seated on the ground, eating bananas, in front of a building. (link ref4068, ref4073, ref4074, ref4075, ref4077, ref4189, ref4190) 9.1 x 13.2 cm: Undated